Monday, June 22, 2009


so i will start by going through a series of events on friday to be represented by kitty pictures.
woke up and had to pay World of Warcraft for a time that my account had been hacked and they say there was insufficient evidence to support my claim.

Then i go out to my car and see that it has been egged.
Then a guy on a moped cusses me out for pulling out in front of him even though he was going below the speed limit and had plenty of time before he would have hit me.
Then me and a friend went out and found a very hard to find object that will help me with the final presentation (a black turtle neck, you'll understand on wednesday)
Then i am told that i have to help my aunt move for the 2nd time in 3 months and that i have to get up at 8am and then go to work at 1:30 and i have homework to do in between.
but when i was mad i was mad at everything not just the crappy stuff that happened and i began to wonder why we exaggerate emotions when stuff like that happens. We know what made us angry but we still get angry at other things even little things so i did some research on emotions.

facts taken from

Although aggression is a natural emotion, it is a very social act. It is learned from parents, peers and the media and people are likely to be more aggressive when they believe it will increase their social standing. It can also be cathartic, allowing us to let of steam.

Phillips (1983, 1986) found that homicides increased after a well-publicized boxing match. When white boxers lost, more white men were killed, and vice versa.

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